Happy Birthday TJ??

I just realized it’s already April 13, and only because all of my fellow UVa alums have been wishing Thomas Jefferson a “Happy Birthday” today on Facebook.  It unfortunately make me vomit a little bit to think of UVa because it was such a tough time for me, both as a student and as a staffer.  At the same time, I realize just how much happier I am now, and how far I’ve come since then.  I finally feel like I am on the path I have always wanted to be on, but just couldn’t quite get to.  So I promise I won’t UVa bash.  Too badly. It’s pretty great to be able to say I am finally doing what makes me happy and I have lots of friends and supporters to keep me going at it.  Thanks all of you!!!!

April 13 also means we are moving far too quickly toward summer and I still have a lot of landscaping and planting to do.  I need that truckload of dirt so we can get the pool put in before the kids rend us limb from limb.  It’s already been in the 90’s here and our neighbors have their pools open already (as a former New Yorker…..I just find this wrong somehow).

Oh, and we’ll probably get a baby goat tonight because not only is it cold and rainy and windy and miserable out, but LOST is on.

I’ll let you know.

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